(1.Haider Ackermann, 2. Ann Demeulemeester, 3-4. Alexander Wang)
The dark look was featured in quite a few collections as pictured above and is anything but your teen vampire fantasy. Personally I love the look, black is my color and the dark edge and even elegance of it is all the more reason to love this. You can never go wrong with black and there are multiple ways to wear it and accessorize
it. But if you want the dark romance look vamped up for the fall then LAYER LAYER LAYER!!!
Long black skirts, coats and leather are key aspects of this trend so don't worry about spending an arm and a leg to get something exactly similar to the collections. And if you want to go even further, pile on the dark makeup and slick back your hair to one side.

That's it for this week, I'll be back next Monday for another trend update and if you'd like me to give my take on another trend please leave comments. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSRIBE!!! And tell your all your fashionista friends about Crimewave.
AHH first to comment....great trends going on huh...keep advertising...make people want to read your blog
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