I will update every now and then on what I'm up to and current works of art, just not as often. Also I'm going to be working on a new banner and layout, It's a little too plain for my taste and could use some much needed umph.
On a positive note, I started school at Ai 2 weeks ago and couldn't be more happy. Things are going great and I can't wait to keep learning.
Now onto business, The one sole collection that I found the most to my liking and fitting to my aesthetic was Vera Wang's fall 2010 collection.

I've always been fond of the whole femme fatal and film noir thing, so I was very excited to see Vera put her modern spin on it.
I just love the whole look of it all. The hair, the multiple pearl necklaces, everything. Even the fur, and I usually don't like fur at all.
Overall it's a lovely collection and I will definitely keep on eye out on Vera since before I saw this collection I hadn't liked much of her work. This collection was the standout on for me so far.
I think that it's good everyones going back into time and bringing back old trends and looks and making them modern. As Oscar De La Renta put it, "I look back to look forward."
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